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How To Order From HeinekenExpress

Go to the market page, and find what you want to buy.

Read the description, vendor's terms and conditions and refund policy (if they exist) CAREFULLY.

If everything suits your needs, select the shipping option (for physical products), payment type and then click "Place order."

On the next page you need to the enable confirmation check box. If you are ordering a physical item, you need to encrypt your shipping address with the vendor's PGP key. If you forget to encrypt it yourself, the market will do it automatically, however, it is considered best practice to manually encrypt it yourself and not rely on the market's encryption.

You'll be redirected to new order page where you can see the XMR deposit address.

After that point, you are done with your side of things and now its up to the vendor to handle your order. Please patiently wait for the vendor to confirm your order and then mark it shipped. Don't forget about your order, though. Once you receive your item, make sure to log back into the market and finalize your order and review the product and rate the vendor. Its not considerate to let orders auto finalize and its your responsibility as a buyer to finalize your orders in a timely manner. You will gain EXP points with every timely finalized order and every review.

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

1. What is HeinekenExpress?

HeinekenExpress is an independent resource providing information about the heinekenexpress Market, a XMR Vendor Shop. We aim to help users navigate the marketplace safely and effectively.

2. PGP signature is not valid, why?

It means that you're on a phishing website. Looks like you found a link to the market on some bad place where bad people share phishing links. When you're on a phishing link, the market looks exactly the same, with one difference - all deposit addresses are replaced with a phishing one. But they can't fake the PGP signature.

First, don't send money if the signature is not valid. Second, scroll down the page and you'll see the footer with links to services where you can find a trusted link to the market.

daunt.link is very easy to remember and works stably; you can always find the link there.

When you are on the right mirror, don't forget to change your password, because phishers probably know it already.

darkmatter.market is a phishing website; it has no connection with Dark Matter Marketplace.

3. My order never arrived. What do I do?

If your order is an Escrow or Multisig transaction, you can go to your order page and click "Raise Dispute." This freezes the auto-finalization timer and brings the order into a dispute system, allowing you to engage with the vendor to solve the issue. It will also alert our staff members to review your order.

In general, we encourage buyers and vendors to come to a resolution on disputes independently. Market staff, however, will be monitoring each and every dispute, so if a resolution cannot be made, you only need to ask for help from market staff.

If your order was an FE order, you should still contact the vendor and attempt to find a resolution. Vendors that have FE earned that privilege by being historically trustworthy and reliable sellers, so they should be able to help you. If you are not able to reach a resolution with the vendor, you can open a support ticket and mention your situation to the staff.

If your order was an escrow/multisig order that already finalized, you can attempt to speak with the vendor and/or talk with staff. That said, we cannot guarantee a resolution on orders that you have allowed to finalize.

Some vendors don't like disputes because they think it can hurt their statistics. This is not the case on Dark Matter Market. If you can find a solution without market staff action, the dispute won't be shown on the vendor's or your profile page. As such, nothing intrinsically bad happens when you raise a dispute.

4. Why is my order Auto Finalized?

Unfortunately, some buyers don't finalize their orders even after receiving them, but vendors do need to get their money. Each order has a time-clock until it automatically finalizes. Digital orders have a 2-day auto-finalization timer, and physical orders have a 14-day timer.

When an order gets finalized, the vendor gets paid, and the market can't refund it anymore. This is why it is very important to ensure your order is not finalized until you receive and verify your product.

5. How to pay BTC/LTC/ZEC?

We have integrated the API of a third-party crypto exchange service so that when a buyer chooses to pay with Bitcoin, they are provided a BTC payment address which belongs to that service. The buyer pays that BTC address, which is then exchanged for XMR that is sent to our escrow wallet for that order. Once the XMR is received, the order is fulfilled.

Is this safe? I thought Bitcoin wasn't anonymous. The safest option is using Monero; however, we have no authentication process, so your sending Bitcoin address won't be connected to anything related to us in the event of any blockchain analysis

Can you guarantee the safety of my funds? No. We are only providing a convenient method of exchanging your coins to make a purchase through a third-party service. If that third-party service decides to scam, then your coins will be lost. This is why we have a maximum allowance per exchanged transaction to mitigate potential losses in the event of such an issue. We can only guarantee the safety of XMR as that solely flows through our escrow wallets. This is a "use at your own risk" service; however, we can assure you that we have worked to integrate the exchange with a reputable provider.

What if I send money but it never gets credited/gets lost? We have PGP proof of each address and each exchange. If you send a payment and it gets lost, we can provide you PGP proof of your deposit and directions to contact support of the exchange service to locate your funds.

Is there a minimum or maximum amount that can be sent?

  • Bitcoin: 0.01 - 0.25 BTC
  • Litecoin: 0.5 - 125 LTC
  • ZCash: 0.5 - 300 ZEC

How long does this take? Will confirming my order take longer? It could take slightly longer to confirm your order, but not by much. Please keep in mind that there is an extra step in this process, so don't panic if your order is not immediately confirmed.

Why is the service fee so high? We don't set up the service fee; it's calculated from the exchange service rate. Sometimes it can be incredibly high. We don't provide exchange if the service fee is higher than 50%. Everything less is up to you; you need to pay attention if you don't want to pay too much.

6. I sent money, why is there no deposit?

First, you need to verify that you sent money to the correct deposit address. Open your Monero wallet app and find the data of the deposit transaction. You need to know:

  • Transaction ID
  • Deposit address
  • Secret view key

When you have everything, go to moneroexplorer.org. Paste the TxID in the input and click Search.

On the next page, scroll down to Decode outputs/Prove sending. Paste the deposit address and secret view key, then click Decode outputs.

If you used the correct data, you'll see a page with the deposit address and XMR amount. Compare that deposit address with the one in the order. If it's different, you sent money to the wrong address.

If you did everything right, then you should contact support. Please provide the staff with PGP proof of the order, including the TxID, deposit address, and secret view key. Without any of that, the support won't be able to help you.

Hosted By Mark Matter

HeinekenExpress is proudly hosted by Dark Matter Market, a leading DNM on the Tor & I2P. With commitment to privacy, Dark Matter proudly ensures that every experience on HK is safe and seamless. Whether you are looking for anonymity or robust a performance, Dark Matter has you covered.

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Dark Matter PGP Key



You can use this key to encrypt messages sent to us.


HeinekenExpress ("heinekenexpress.com") is a independent resource, it is not in any way affiliated with, or endorsed by or in any way associated with the HeinekenExpress onion website or any of its operators. The information provided on this website is for informational/research purposes and should not be considered legal or financial advice. Accessing Tor websites may involve risks, and users are advised to exercise caution and ensure they are compliant with their local laws.